观音桥融恒时代Rongheng Time Square

——激活传统商业中心Activate traditional business center

    来自BlueTeam分享的消息。更多关于他们:BlueTeam Appreciation towards Blue Architects for providing the following description:


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    Commercial and trade center is well equipped with reasonable function division, matching infrastructure, completed pedestrian system, fluent traffic network and graceful ecotope, so it clusters customers easily. This project closes to Guanyinqiao pedestrian mall. Large scale business, offices, recreation facilities are surrounded. Building new business projects between old and new buildings to demand business and coexisting with mature neighboring business is particularly important. What the architect do matters to promote business value and shape the city image.
    ▽实体模型,Entity model




    ▽ 鸟瞰图,birdview




    Architectural form and function layout of traditional business office buildings are separated. If architectures are divided and combined, there will be a subtle space. The heavy weight will be weaken. The commutative translation of false and true is a superficial structural character of staggered solid and glass curtain wall.


    ▽ 总平面图,site plan


    ▽ 构思分析,concept analysis






    Ventilated curtain by chimney effect principle, solve such problems from the function, the outer glass curtain wall ventilation can be used transparent glass, used to reduce reflection, regardless of the weather without opening the windows to provide fresh air indoors.



    ▽ 鸟瞰图,birdview 




    项目名称: 观音桥融恒时代
    项目规模: 63,000 M2

    项目类型: 商业综合体
    项目位置 : 中国重庆
    规划团队:  BLUETEAM
    参与者: 庞博  程太祥  唐欢

    建设进度: 已建成


    Name of project: Rongheng Time Square
    Size: 63,000 M2
    Location : China ChongQing
    Planning Leader: BLUETEAM
    Status: Finished









    Project Label/项目标签


    Design/设计: BlueTeam

    Location/位置:重庆 ChongQing

    Type/类型:商业建筑 Commercial

    Label/标签 :传统商业 Experience

    Status/ 建设进度:已建成 Finished


© Blue Architects